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The company HOBRA-Školník is a significant European manufacturer of solutions in the areas of filtration and insulation. The first HOBRA branded insulating products saw the light 85 years ago and the company is engaged in filtration for more than 65 years. Convince yourselves about the outstanding quality of insulation and filtration products developed and manufactured using the state of the art technology and strict quality standards.

Distributors - Filtration


BS Vinařské potřeby s.r.o.

Žižkovská 1230
Velké Bílovice

Phone: +420 519 347 522
E-mail: eshop@vinarskepotreby.cz
WWW: https://www.vinarskepotreby.cz/

Vinařské potřeby Bureš Jaroslav

Ořechová 1
Velké Pavlovice

WWW: www.vinarskepotreby-bures.cz

Vinum Znojmo, s.r.o.

Chvalovice 28

WWW: www.vinumznojmo.cz

Vincoop Mikulov

Brněnská 32

WWW: www.vincoop.cz


VIN.TECH s.r.o.

Holubyho 27

WWW: www.vintech.sk


Školská 20/1
Slovenské Nové Mesto

G.B.KOLOR s.r.o.

Štúrova 12

WWW: www.gbkolor.sk

Agrokomp s.r.o.

Štefánikova 14

WWW: www.agrokomp.sk

Unimpex Bratislava, s.r.o.

Horne Predmestie 3
Sväty Jur

WWW: www.unimpex-bratislava.com


HOBRA Deutschland GmbH
Contact: Mr. Hubertus Althaus

Eduard-Schopf-Allee 1 a
D-28217 Bremen

Phone: +49 160 949 313 08
E-mail: althaus.hubertus@hobra.eu
WWW: www.hobra.eu

Max F. Keller GmbH
Partner for the wine industry

Mr./Hr. Thomas Jung
Einsteinstraße 14a
68169 Mannheim

Phone: +49 (0621) 32279-0
E-mail: jung@keller-mannheim.de
WWW: www.keller-mannheim.de

Schwegmann Filtrations-Technik GmbH
Partner for chemical industry

Mr./Hr. Patrizio de Carlo
Carl-Bosch-Str. 22
53501 Grafschaft-Ringen

Phone: +49 (2641) 9117711
E-mail: pdc@filtrations-technik.de
WWW: www.filtrations-technik.de

VHG Filtration

Eysölden J64
D-91177 Thalmässing

Phone: +49 9173 793 090
Fax: +49 9173 793 091
WWW: www.vhg-gmbh.de


AKE Łaszkiewicz, Dzida Sp. j.

ul. Partyzancka 110/112
95-200 Pabianice

Phone: (42) 227 14 19
E-mail: biuro@ake.com.pl
WWW: www.ake.com.pl


ТОВ Норма-Днепр

Украина г. Днепр
ул. Запорожское шоссе 56 п. 12

Phone: +38 067 637 1221
Fax: +38 067 565 9948
E-mail: normadnepr@ukr.net


Enogrup srl

Calea Basarabiei 42/1
MD2002 Chishinau, R. Moldova

Phone: +37322840017, tel +37322840018
Fax: +37322840018
E-mail: enogroup@mdl.net
WWW: www.enogrup.com


Vintage ltd

152A, Kirova str.
353380 Krymsk, Krasnodar reg. Russia

Phone: +7 861 31 22291, +7 861 31 59664
Fax: +7 861 31 59664
WWW: www.enogrup.com

Dfilter LLC / ООО «ДФильтр»

Mihalkovskaya str. 63B, build. 4, office 433
125438, Moscow, Russian Federation

Phone: +7 495 617 08 14
E-mail: dfilter@dfilter.ru
WWW: www.dfilter.ru


Aviamotornaya ul., dom 50, st.2
111024, Moscow, Russian Federation

Phone: +7 985 438 89 07
E-mail: info@gettbeer.ru
WWW: www.gettbeer.ru


SC Teroco Gea Consult s.r.l.

Prahova County
107600 Telega

Phone: 0040 745 100 870
Fax: costin.geangu@teroco.ro

Havlimex s.r.l.

Aleea Circului, Bl. 2, Sc.D.Ap. 37
72138 Bucuresti

Phone: 0040 744 100 871
E-mail: office@havlimex.ro
WWW: www.havlimex.ro


Interker-Wein Kft.
Partner for the wine industry

Mr. Péter Benkó
Vécsey Völgy út 93.
HU-3300 Eger

Phone: +36 36 510 170
E-mail: interker@interker-wein.hu
WWW: www.interker-wein.hu


SINTECA HandelsgmbH

Inkustraße 1-7/Obj.14/4
3400 Klosterneuburg

Phone: +43 2243 28028
E-mail: office@sinteca.at
WWW: www.sinteca.at/shop/niro-shop/filter

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